As far as mentors and coordinators are concerned then I've to specially thank them because all of them have been a great support over the past 6 weeks. I must mention my co-mentor here as well; Raza Zaidi who
has been a brilliant co-mentor and I seriously enjoyed mentoring these
kids with him. The guy has his way with the words unlike many and I'm
sure kids will learn a lot from him. Maham who's not only a dear friend but coordinator as well have been great throughout as well and along with Ahsan Bhai, another TCF Legend and coordinator as well; have done something amazing and that its really hard for me to put into words. The way these two have coordinated everything from usual sessions to LUMS visit to almost everything,its just beyond me,its just great. They're legends indeed. Tuba, another Legend here has been brilliant and very helpful as well and since she's working for TCF as well then whatever she's and entire administration at TCF's been doing,its just great and looking back at the entire experience I think I will definitely volunteer again. Also Uncle Shaukat and another Omar farooq, two mentors. I must admit I envy them because these two have done a great job, even more so than I did with the kids. From what Ive seen, the kids love them.

What was more astonishing is a fact that even though it was all fun and cheerful but emotional as well. After all this, I saw two young girls from fellow group actually crying for their mentors. Maham was their mentor and seeing all the energy she possess, no wonder the girls were crying and no doubt they will miss her. I had only heard about it but today saw the emotional outcome today as well. It only gives us an idea regarding how we're making difference in their lives. I am not claiming i am making a difference the way others and coordinators have because they've done it way better but personally for me, this entire session was brilliant.